How has it been 27 years without you my beautiful Jessica paige I would just love to hold you one last time,just like I did on that night when you went to sleep but unfortunately you never woke back up breaks my heart every minute of every day 27 years and another year without you here my Jessica paige I know your watching over me but it’s just not the same we’ve missed out on so many milestones yours and now your sisters milestones and everyone one of them you are and always be thought of no matter what why does this pain never go away they say in time it does but believe me it doesn’t life was so cruel wouldn’t wish this on anyone no parent should have to go threw this especially at such a very young age was only 18/19 myself a lot for anyone to take on I may act strong but believe me I’m not it rips me apart like it was yesterday day but I’ll have my moment then put that smile back on just for you and megs just wish you was still with us breaks me every single time mummy loves and misses you so much and days like today is where I struggle the most if it wasn’t for your little sister Megan I don’t know where I would be she’s the one who keeps me going and why I’m still here sleep tight princess love you forever always sending big kisses up to you my angel
6th November 2024